Integration into Mods
Gradle Setup
Put guideme_version
into your
and set it to the version you want to use.
You can find a list of versions on the GitHub releases page.
repositories {
maven {
name = "ModMaven
url = ""
content {
includeGroupAndSubgroups "appeng"
dependencies {
compileOnly "appeng:guideme:${guideme_version}:api"
runtimeOnly "appeng:guideme:${guideme_version}"
Guide Creation
You can simply build guides in your Mod constructor using the GuideBuilder class.
var guide = Guide.builder(ResourceLocation.parse("mymod:guide")).build();
Guide Item
We recommend that you implement your own guide item to have it registered within your own mod namespace. If you only want to depend on GuideME optionally, you can also use GuideMEs generic guide item. The Guides class offers a utility method to construct an ItemStack for any given guide id.
You can customize the appearance of the generic guide item for your guide using GuideBuilder#itemSettings.