Class InWorldLineAnnotation

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class InWorldLineAnnotation extends InWorldAnnotation
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • InWorldLineAnnotation

      public InWorldLineAnnotation(org.joml.Vector3f from, org.joml.Vector3f to, ColorValue color, float thickness)
    • InWorldLineAnnotation

      public InWorldLineAnnotation(org.joml.Vector3f from, org.joml.Vector3f to, ColorValue color)
  • Method Details

    • intersect

      public OptionalDouble intersect(org.joml.Vector3f rayOrigin, org.joml.Vector3f rayDir)
      Tests if the given ray intersects this highlighted box.
      Specified by:
      intersect in class InWorldAnnotation
      Absent if no intersection exists, otherwise a number between 0 and 1 indicating the distance from the ray origin (along the ray) that the intersection closest to the origin occurred.
    • getScreenBounds

      public org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<org.joml.Vector2f,org.joml.Vector2f> getScreenBounds(org.joml.Matrix4f viewMatrix)
      Computes the screen bounding box for this line, given a view matrix to transform the start and end of the line into screen space. Since lines are extruded, we compute the bounds around the 8 corners around both end-points.
      Specified by:
      getScreenBounds in class InWorldAnnotation
      A pair of the min and max screen coordinates.
    • min

      public org.joml.Vector3f min()
    • max

      public org.joml.Vector3f max()
    • color

      public ColorValue color()
    • thickness

      public float thickness()