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Game Scenes

GuideME has a custom tag for interactive, real-time views of an in-game scenario.


The tag also supports the following attributes:

zoomAllows the scene to be shown at a bigger scale. Defaults to 1.
backgroundA color value allowing to change the background of the scene.

To add actual content to the scene, add additional tags to the scene tag. The most important tag will be <ImportStructure /> to place a structure from a NBT or SNBT file in the scene.

In the following example, the structure from the test.snbt file located next to the page will be shown:

<GameScene zoom="4">
<ImportStructure src="test.snbt" />

The following subsections explain the different available tags within a <GameScene /> tag.


As explained above, this tag will load a structure from the file supplied in the src attribute and place it in the scene. Both .nbt and .snbt structure files are supported. The path given in src can be relative to the current page.

To easily create such structure files, use the AE2 test-world (use /ae2 setuptestworld in a single-player creative void-world). It has a plot that provides LOAD/SAVE/CLEAR functionality in a 16x16 space to more easily author structures for the guidebook.

The ImportScene tag can be used multiple times within a game scene, with the same or different structure files.


Example that shows a lit furnace next to an unlit one:

<Block id="minecraft:furnace" />
<Block x="1" id="minecraft:furnace" p:lit="true" />

This tag allows a single block to be set in the scene. When used with id="minecraft:air", it can also be used to clear blocks previously set by importing a structure (to hide certain blocks, for example a creative energy cell used to power a setup).

The tag also supports the following attributes:

idId of the block to place.
xx coordinate of the block. Defaults to 0.
yy coordinate of the block. Defaults to 0.
zz coordinate of the block. Defaults to 0.
p:<name>Allows setting arbitrary block state properties on the block, where <name> is the name of a block state property.


This tag allows more fine-grained control over the isometric camera used to render the scene.

<Block id="minecraft:furnace" />
<IsometricCamera yaw="30" roll="60" pitch="90" />

The default rotation if this tag is not present is equivalent to:

<IsometricCamera yaw="225" pitch="30" />

The tag supports the following attributes:

yawAn angle (in degrees) that specifies the rotation around the Y-axis. Defaults to 0.
pitchAn angle (in degrees) that specifies the rotation around the X-axis. Defaults to 0.
rollAn angle (in degrees) that specifies the rotation around the Z-axis. Defaults to 0.