
Interface Styleable

All Known Implementing Classes:
LytAxisBox, LytBlock, LytBox, LytCraftingRecipe, LytDocument, LytFlowAnchor, LytFlowBreak, LytFlowContent, LytFlowInlineBlock, LytFlowLink, LytFlowSpan, LytFlowText, LytGuidebookScene, LytHBox, LytHeading, LytImage, LytItemGrid, LytItemImage, LytList, LytListItem, LytNode, LytParagraph, LytRecipeBox, LytSlot, LytSlotGrid, LytSmeltingRecipe, LytSmithingRecipe, LytTable, LytTableCell, LytTableRow, LytThematicBreak, LytTooltipSpan, LytVBox, LytWidget

public interface Styleable
Interface implemented on layout elements that can be styled and inherit styling from their parents.